happy friday.

I don’t really have that classic sense of Friday — release all that tension — TGIF — that I had when I worked in an office setting, or certainly when I was in school (both teaching, and as a student). When you work for yourself, those boundaries kinda get blurred. This obviously has both potential upside and downside. Hm.

Tonight there’s a dance at Ian’s school, and I’m playing co-DJ with one of the teachers and providing some of the music using my laptop. So I have a bit of prep to do today — ripping songs from CD, printing out a list of available songs, getting the laptop & cables ready, etc. The evening has a Hawaiian theme, so I’ll be breaking out my best tropical-print shirt, shorts & sandals and hamming it up. As always, the object is to embarrass my son in the extreme.

So a 6-year-old kid was critically injured on Wednesday while he was riding an all-terrain vehicle designed for adults. This was out in the Banks/Verboort area, where I taught high school back in the ’80s. ATVs have been big out there for some time; I still remember my students talking and writing about their 3- and 4-wheeling adventures…it would scare the $%*#@ out of me. Oregonian story here.

On a cheerier note, the enchanted and mystical Realm of Rosaria (aka the city of Portland in its annual fit of psychosis) has selected its Queen, a high school student named…Katelyn. Now let the tacky and inevitably rain-drenched flurry of corporate-branded events begin!!! This year’s hotly-awaited theme?

“Completely Captivating.”


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