Midwest Adventure, Day 3

Hi, kids. With any luck I’m going to keep this entry short. The above photo is from my outing today (see below), but I think this spiffy green flag should serve nicely as a rallying cry for Alex’s and my imminent road trip. I mean, the fact is that if you’re just gonna slap two abstract nouns onto a flag with zero context, it could really be a rallying cry for anything. How about “QUALITY FACTOR”? Or “VAGARY RAMBLE”? For now we’ll stick with “SAFETY EXCELLENCE”…but stay tuned.

Speaking of Alex, and the road trip, the latest news from him is that he’ll touch down in Detroit at 6 PM Tuesday rather than 4 PM as reported in the previous Day 2 post, and now he’s feeling like we’ll probably end up leaving Grand Rapids on Thursday instead of Wednesday. I’d kind of figured this might be a possibility, and it doesn’t worry me much for now. Alex is motivated to get going, so it’s not like there’s going to be a bunch of dilly-dallying before we get underway.

Okay, so. The Motown Museum. I mentioned at the end of the last post that I hoped to make it there today; it’s sort of the main reason I arrived early in the Detroit area rather than going straight to Grand Rapids. Well, it turned out my late start today was a complete non-issue because while I’d somehow gotten the idea that the museum was closed on Sundays, it’s actually closed Sundays and Mondays! Aaargh. But no matter – it just means that when I check out of this lovely suite in MELVINDALE I’m heading straight for the museum.

Meanwhile, that left me with some time this afternoon, so I figured I should go for a walk. Consulting a map showed me that there was a park not far from here located right on the Detroit River, so that’s where I headed. And if you haven’t already visited my Walking Photos post for today, you should go there now by clicking here, because you’ll find six lovely photos there showing you the park and some urban wildlife and some big-ass chunks of ice floating down the river! Oh yeah, there’s one photo I didn’t include with those six…

I spotted this abandoned hornets’ nest fairly high in a tree on the park grounds, and as usual, the thought of all those angry, hurtling missiles of stinging agony massed into a single buzzing throng sent chills down my spine. A fitting sight and a fitting visceral sensation in light of the looming visit to Fort Snelling, no? Which is why I felt I had to include it here.

Okay, trundling myself off to bed soon. The building is quiet at the moment, no appreciable sounds from either side of my room…so I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll get an uninterrupted sleep. G’night!

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